Monday, September 1, 2008

The Summer Shrug

Summer Shrug

I have been working on this shrug off and on for some time now, in between my other "projects." I decided to make this after completing a halter top that I knitted (and changed slightly of course) form a vintage pattern I found online.

I felt a little "bare" so I picked out this shrug from Drops Designs to try my first lace pattern. It was interesting to knit (not at all boring) and once I got the pattern down it was pretty easy. Although, if someone looked closely I am sure they could locate a few mistakes.

They look nice together, but the shrug also works quite well on it's own.
Wearing it with a contrasting color (ie white) makes the pattern a bit more obvious. I have yet to wear the halter in public, but Have received compliments on the shrug already!

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